management and consultancy

Procurement management and consultancy is a legal support and procurement systemic solutions support to contracting entities and suppliers in public (state and municipal) and private procurements.

For suppliers:


  • legal support and advice starting from the offer preparation up to the conclusion of the contract;
  • appeal of the contracting entity's procurement documents, if the applicants have been put forward unreasonable demands or the documents have been drafted for the interests of one tenderer;
  • appeals of the contracting entity's taken decisions and representation in the Procurement Monitoring Bureau and the courts.

For contracting entities:


  • legal support and advice in preparation of the procurement necessity justification;
  • draft of procurement documentation;
  • procurement process and evaluation;
  • we represent in appeals of documents and decisions in the Procurement Monitoring Bureau and the courts.

We provide company's or institution's procurement process, provide advice for improving it.
We develop a new procurement process systems and carry out staff training.

Contact us:
Phone: +371 6755 2602
Mob. phone: +371 2206 9933
E-mail: konsultā

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