Paints and wallcoverings

Date of announcement: 20.12.2024
Application deadline: 23.01.2025 31days
Planned amount: 45576598.15 EUR
Place of execution/delivery: Slovākija
Type of procurement: Closed competition
CPV codes: 44111400-5, 45111300-1, 45255400-3, 45261900-3, 45262100-2, 45262500-6, 45300000-0, 45310000-3, 45410000-4, 45421000-4, 45431000-7, 45441000-0, 45442100-8, 45442110-1, 45442190-5, 60000000-8, 79993000-1, 90911200-8, 98395000-8 ID : 4728798

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